Workplace Injuries in New York

Data compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics show that New York ranks among the safest states for workplace injuries. Even so, over 140,000 New York workers were injured on the job in 2019, and over 78,000 of those injuries were serious enough to lead to missed workdays, significant medical expenses, or permanent impairment. Most…

Sidewalk Defect Accidents in New York

Falls are one of the leading causes of hospital visits in New York and the number one cause of injury-related deaths and/or hospitalizations for people over the age of 65. Many falls occur on New York’s sidewalks due to broken or uneven surfaces. When someone is injured due to improper maintenance of a sidewalk, it…

Who Can Be Sued For False Imprisonment?

The civil tort of false imprisonment is usually brought against a police officer or government authority who has arrested or imprisoned a citizen without proper cause. However, private citizens and organizations may also be sued for false imprisonment under certain circumstances. Security Guards Private security guards in stores, office buildings, bars, and restaurants do have…

Police Brutality in New York

The recent conviction of former police officer Derek Chauvin in the death of George Floyd has led to greater scrutiny of the actions of police officers throughout the country. Many states, including New York, now require police officers to activate body cameras whenever they interact with civilians. Under the New York law, signed in June…

New York Civil Rights Attorney

In 1989, the nation rejoiced when five men were convicted for the brutal assault and rape of a woman who was attacked while jogging in Central Park. The case made national and international news. The cases were later overturned when another person confessed to the attack, and the Central Park Five, as they came to…

Suing for Wrongful Arrest in New York City

Wrongful arrest, or false arrest, is the unlawful detention of an individual by a police officer, security guard, or other person, and is illegal under Federal and State laws. In addition, a citizen who has been falsely arrested or detained may bring a civil action against the person or entity who made the arrest. A…

What You Should Know Before Consulting A Personal Injury Lawyer

If you are injured in an auto accident or while visiting a public or commercial establishment, your friends and family will probably advise you to talk to a personal injury lawyer right away. That is good advice, but before making that first appointment, make sure you are prepared and know what to expect. Here are…

Are Hidden Nanny Cams Actually Legal?

Whether they’re on our phones, computers, subway platforms or streets, cameras are practically everywhere – even in many peoples’ houses.  Even though we’re rarely sure who will catch someone in the act, the chances are pretty good that the act is being captured by a camera. A hidden “nanny cam” recorded a Westchester man as…

Settle or Try?

Try Or Settle? Should Plaintiff Settle Her Trip And Fall Case When She Has A Fractured Leg Requiring Surgery? Our injured client, a 61-year old female home attendant, tripped and fell, when an employee at the St. Barnabas Hospital Occupational Therapy Department unthinkingly placed a step stool directly behind our client’s feet, just as our…

Testosterone Lawsuits: What You Need to Know

Testosterone therapy has become a billion-dollar business. Doctors often prescribe products such as AndroGel when men complain of fatigue, rather than finding out what is really wrong with their patients, many of whom suffer serious heart disease or vascular problems. Instead of properly testing and examining their patients, doctors rely on the easy diagnosis “low […]