Can I Sue the Mechanic or Auto Repair Shop for Negligence?

NOTE: We only handle cases involving accidents and injuries. This article is for informational purposes only. Information found in the article does not constitute as formal legal advice and does not create an attorney/client relationship. We cannot help you beyond the information provided below if no injuries resulted from the negligence of the mechanic or… read more

What Is the Difference Between Express and Implied Consent?

Before your doctor can legally treat you, your permission – or consent – is required. In times of an emergency, though, implied consent based upon your actions rather than actual communication could be used to give treatment.  If things go wrong and you want to file a personal injury claim based upon medical malpractice afterward,… read more

What is Martial Law and How Would it Affect New York City?

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to wreak havoc in all five boroughs of New York City, some commentators have suggested that a declaration of martial law may help to stop the spread of the virus. But what exactly is martial law? And how would it affect a city like New York? What is Martial Law?… read more

NYPD Officers No Longer Required to Respond to Collisions

An initiative that began on Staten Island last year is now a policy in New York City. As of April 6, 2020, motor vehicle accidents that only result in property damage do not need to be reported to the police department. Officials hope the timing of the policy expansion limits contact during the pandemic to… read more

What You Need to Know About Tattoo Infections

Tattoos are a form of permanent art and body modification. To get a tattoo, an artist inserts ink into the dermis layer of skin using a needle. Tattoos can be of any image and can include multiple colors. Recently, permanent make-up has also become more popular. This is where a tattoo artist uses ink and… read more

Can I Get Workers’ Compensation if I Got Coronavirus at Work?

With the coronavirus pandemic continuing to cause havoc around the world, many businesses and organizations are requiring their employees to work from home. Some businesses have even begun laying people off – temporarily, we hope. Simply put, we’re in uncharted territory for modern-day society.  As some employees work from home, many others are still having… read more

How Safe Are Motor Scooters in New York?

With millions of New Yorkers relying on a public transit system every day, motor scooters are becoming an increasingly popular way for people to get around. The appeal of motor scooters is obvious. They allow riders to zip around traffic and save on the costs of owning a car or truck.  However, because motor scooters… read more

Popcorn Lung: Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatments

Popcorn lung is the nickname for the condition known as bronchiolitis obliterans. It is damage to your lungs’ smallest and most vulnerable airways. The main cause of the condition is exposure to a chemical vapor that is found in things like microwavable popcorn, fruit drinks, caramel, and some dairy products. It is generally safe to… read more

Can Cervidil Cause Injury To My Child?

Induction of labor is when medical staff use drugs or other tools to stimulate a woman’s body to get the labor and delivery process started. Almost 20% of all births in the US start with some sort of induction. One drug that is used to stimulate labor is Cervidil. While it is commonly used, it… read more

How are Pain and Suffering Calculated?

Personal injury accidents can leave victims with life-long injuries. These can be both mental and physical. Those who are injured can ask the court or insurance companies to help compensate them for their pain, both currently and in the future. These types of compensation are called pain and suffering.  Generally, pain and suffering awards will… read more