Do you have whiplash because you were involved in a car accident in New York City? Contact Mirman, Markovits & Landau, P.C. for immediate assistance. Our experienced NYC whiplash injury lawyers will explain your rights and help you determine the best strategy for recovering compensation. We’ll do everything we can to recover maximum damages on your behalf.
Our NYC law firm offers a free consultation, so don’t hesitate to reach out to schedule yours today.
Why Should I Call Mirman, Markovits & Landau, P.C. If I Have Whiplash?
Whiplash is one of the most common car accident-related injuries. Even mild cases can cause a lot of pain and make your life really difficult. If someone else is at least partly responsible for the traffic accident that caused your whiplash injury, they should be held accountable. That’s where the NYC personal injury lawyers at Mirman, Markovits & Landau, P.C. can help.
For more than 40 years, the legal team at Mirman, Markovits & Landau, P.C. has been standing up for accident victims across the city. Between us, we have 200 years of combined experience handling cases like yours. We know that at-fault parties and insurance companies won’t just agree to hand over a check for all of your damages. We’re prepared to do whatever it takes to make them pay. Our tenacious approach and dedication to clients like you are why we’ve been able to recover more than $1 Billion in awards.
When you call Mirman, Markovits & Landau, P.C. for help with your personal injury case, we will:
- Investigate the circumstances of the accident that caused your whiplash injury
- Establish causation and fault
- Seek damages from all liable parties
- Bring in experts to help us build a solid evidence-backed case
- Negotiate with insurers on your behalf, and
- Have our skilled NYC trial lawyers represent you in court, if need be.
We know that whiplash can really interfere with your life. It can take a while to get back on your feet. That’s why we’ll handle all aspects of your whiplash injury case. You focus on your physical recovery while we focus on the financial one. Give us a call today to learn more.
What is Whiplash?
Whiplash is a neck injury that’s most commonly associated with rear-end car accidents. It happens when you experience a forceful trauma that causes your neck to whip back and forth (or side to side) rapidly. As a result of this rapid movement, the neck overextends beyond its typical range of motion. This overextension often results in pain and limited mobility.
How Common is Whiplash? Who is Most Vulnerable?
Every year, there are roughly 3 million reported cases of whiplash in the United States. That’s about 342 whiplash injuries an hour.
Interestingly, women are about 5 times more likely to suffer a whiplash injury than men. Children are also more likely to suffer whiplash than adults. Experts believe that women and children are more vulnerable to whiplash injuries because their necks are smaller than adult males.
Individuals with pre-existing injuries or health conditions are also more susceptible to whiplash injuries if they’re involved in an accident. The risk is even higher for adults between the ages of 30 and 50.
What Causes Whiplash?
Car accidents – particularly rear-end crashes – are considered to be one of the leading causes of whiplash injuries. That’s particularly true in cities like New York, where rear-end collisions are quite common. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to be in a high-speed auto accident to suffer whiplash. In fact, crashes where the vehicle(s) are going no more than 5 or 10 MPH can create enough force to cause whiplash.
Motor vehicle accidents aren’t the only reason people suffer from whiplash. Other traumatic events, including assaults and accidents while playing sports such as football or basketball can also cause whiplash.
What Are the Signs and Symptoms of Whiplash?
Common signs and symptoms of whiplash include:
- Neck pain
- Headache
- Stiff neck
- Limited mobility in the neck, shoulders, or arms
- Weakness in the arms
- Jaw pain
- Tinnitus (ringing in the ears), and
- Dizziness.
Always seek medical attention after a car accident in NYC. Prompt medical care can help to ensure that your injuries are diagnosed and limit the potential complications.
Can Whiplash Symptoms Be Delayed?
Yes. In fact, many times, symptoms of whiplash don’t appear for weeks or months after an accident. That’s why it’s critical to make note of any unusual health issues and identify irregular pain in the months after a crash. Just because the symptoms don’t manifest right away doesn’t mean that you cannot be compensated for your injury. However, the length of time between the accident and the identification of your injury can make getting money more challenging.
How Long Does Whiplash Last?
It depends on how severe the injury is. However, generally speaking, it takes about 17 weeks for the neck to stabilize and re-strengthen after a traumatic event. Symptoms can stick around for even longer. One study found that individuals who sustained a severe whiplash injury, meaning that they experienced a significant limitation in neck mobility, three-quarters were still symptomatic one year after their accident.
For those who sustain more moderate whiplash injuries, the symptoms can often disappear within a few weeks.
How is Whiplash Treated?
Doctors will diagnose whiplash by conducting a physical exam and, in some cases, relying on an imaging test such as an X-ray or MRI. Once you’ve been diagnosed with whiplash, the treatment protocol will ultimately depend on how severe your injury is.
However, commonly used courses of treatment include:
- Rest
- Application of heat or cold to the neck
- Prescription or OTC medications, including pain killers, anti-inflammatory drugs, and muscle relaxants
- Exercise and physical therapy
- Restricting the neck’s range of motion using a foam collar
- Acupuncture
- Chiropractic care, and
- Massage therapy.
A doctor may suggest some or a combination of several of these treatments.
What is My Whiplash Injury Worth After a NYC Car Accident?
As with all injuries, the value is tied to severity. The more serious the injury, the more it’s probably worth. That’s because a more severe injury is likely to cause more pain and be more of a disruption in your life.
With a minor whiplash injury, you might not have to miss a day at work. If your injury is more severe, meaning that it limits your ability to move, you might have to stay home for a while and seek more intensive medical care.
Many factors will be relevant when assessing what your whiplash injury case is worth. At Mirman, Markovits & Landau, P.C., we’ll bring in professionals to help us establish a likely value. With expert input, we can identify which damages you may be entitled to receive and how much you should be paid to compensate for each.
We’ll pursue any damages available under the law. Damages commonly awarded to whiplash victims in New York include money for:
- Present and future medical expenses
- Lost wages and income
- Reduced earning capacity
- Disability
- Pain and suffering
- Emotional distress and trauma
- Loss of enjoyment of life
- Property damage, and more.
We’ll work hard to hold negligent parties accountable and secure the compensation you deserve. All you have to do is give our NYC law offices a call to schedule a free case assessment today.
How Long Do I Have to File a Whiplash Injury Lawsuit?
First, it’s important to understand that New York has no-fault insurance rules. This means that, if your whiplash injury is the result of a car accident, you’ll have to seek benefits from your insurance provider first, regardless of fault. If the cost of your whiplash injury exceeds what your insurer will pay, you can then seek additional compensation from a negligent party and/or their insurance company.
If you find yourself in this situation, you’ll have a limited amount of time to act. For insurance claims, you’ll have to notify insurance companies as soon as you can after an accident. Then, you’ll have to file a formal claim for benefits. How long you’ll have to do that depends on the insurance company. They make the rules. Generally speaking, companies require you to submit a claim within a “reasonable” amount of time after an accident.
When you decide to file a lawsuit, your claim must be filed within three years of the date of your accident. However, the clock won’t begin to run until you’ve identified your injury. So, if your whiplash isn’t obvious until three months after your car accident, that’s when the statute of limitations will begin to run.
You will lose the right to demand and receive compensation if you don’t file your claim on time. For that reason, it is always best to make sure that you entrust your case to a qualified NYC car accident lawyer.
Call Our NYC Whiplash Injury Attorneys For Help Now
Whiplash might not be a catastrophic injury, but it can have catastrophic consequences that affect many aspects of your life. If someone else is responsible for your whiplash injury, our NYC personal injury attorneys will fight to hold them accountable. We represent clients in and around New York City, including the Bronx, Brooklyn, Long Island, Manhattan, Queens, Staten Island, and Westchester.
Give our team a call today to schedule a free, no-obligation case assessment and learn more.